Check out the Ciernia Lab Code Share on Github!
Example images on Open Science Framework (OSF)
Microglia UCSC Genome Browser hub that contains reprocessed (using our standard pipeline) ChIP-seq datasets from seven different microglial epigenomics publications.
Microglial Gene List Enrichment R Shiny App! This interactive portal allows users to input their genes lists of interest and statistically compare them to our lab curated database of microglial relevant published gene lists. All code underlying the app is available on our github. Try it out!
**New gene list database updated July 2023 with 97 new microglia gene lists (mouse and human)!
Other resources for Glial cell transcription regulation:
Human Microglia Atlas 90,716 human microglia nuclei/cells clustered in nine populations from Ballestar lab
GLIAseq: Astrocytes and microglia RNAseq searchable database from the Liddelow lab
Single Cell GLIAseq: Single Cell searchable database from the Liddelow lab
Brain RNAseq: different brain cell types searchable database from Barres lab
Microglia Development by Sex RNAseq: RNAseq across developmental timepoints from Bilbo lab
Microglia Single Cell Atlas: microglia single cell RNAseq across development and disease states from the Stevens lab
Hypothalamic embryonic microglia single cell RNAseq: database of single cell RNAseq from hypothalamic embryonic microglia +/- maternal stress
Brain Myeloid Landscape database of single cell RNAseq of myeloid cells from the CNS
Glass lab UCSD genome browser session for microglia for multiple publications
Gene Expression in Cortical Organoids and human postmortem brain (BrainSpan)